Moving Weather

Message and file switching system that will lead you on the information highway.

You are part of the meteorological community. You realize how much information flows through all the networks, all the centers, and how immense and never-ceasing need there is to coordinate this data flow. We know this, too. And what is more: we can solve your problems. We will provide you with a switching system you have never even dared to imagine that you could use.

Moving Weather is an automatic message switching system fully conforming to all applicable WMO and ICAO regulations. It is designed to operate according to the store-and-forward principle, but you can provide your own value by the compilation of new information out of the received data. You will be surprised how well Moving Weather fits your expectations.

Exploit the full power of Moving Weather and enjoy the reliability and versatility of this state-of-the-art system fully customized to what you really need. Do not waste your time looking for a needle in a haystack. We are at the beginning of the new millennium and the world of information & communication technologies has never been more fascinating. But, at the same time, it has never been more complicated. Fortunately, the solution is at your fingertips. Just reach out your hand…

Basic Information

Table-driven Code Forms

There is no need to despair. Though the migration to BUFR is very well underway and to IWXXM just as well, with Moving Weather you are always on the safe side. And you can still use the old formats, for how long your desire.

Non-WMO Data Switching

Ever wonder what to do with oh-so-many data in non-WMO formats? NWP outputs, MPEG videos, JPEG images, and the like…? Now just wait until you hear what Moving Weather is capable of: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS… file distribution has never been easier. Just think of message switching — only now with files too!

ICAO Amendment 78

With Moving Weather, you will never stay behind with changes to ICAO Annex 3.

Powerful & Reliable

With Moving Weather, the words powerful and reliable take on a new meaning. You have never before seen a switching system that is more “rock-stable”. Fault-tolerance is our second name… high availability is second-to-none. Just sit back and enjoy the power of up to 500 messages switched per second.

Lines and More

Still using legacy telex machines? Or perhaps X.25 is your good ol’ network? “Aha!” you say, “but I want e-mail, AMHS, SFTP… how about that?” Well, in Moving Weather you have no problem. Just name the technology and you will get it.

Modern User Interface

We are sure you have already met a program that kept getting in your way and tried to control YOU. Do not fear — you would have to look hard (and in vain) to find a more user-friendly system than Moving Weather. Its modern, intuitive and highly ergonomic user interface is just imploring to be unleashed.

Feature Highlights

Store & Forward

The principal mode of operation of Moving Weather adheres to the store & forward principle: data reception, storage and data transmission. However, an added value is asserted by the possibility to compile new information out of existing data. All operations are in strict conformance with applicable WMO and ICAO regulations.

Circuits and Lines

There are many types of data circuits and communication lines supported in Moving Weather: FTP, SFTP, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS, WMO TCP, e-mail, phone, fax, X.25, telex, async lines, AMHS, AFTN, Secure SADIS FTP… Up to 64000 different lines organized into arbitrary groups are possible.

Data Formats

Moving Weather system operates on all kinds of meteorological data, including WMO messages (SYNOP, METAR, TAF, CLIMAT, PILOT, TEMP, BUOY…) in TAC, BUFR, and IWXXM forms, as well as arbitrary (non-WMO) files such as NWP outputs, video sequences, static images etc.

Modern User Interface

A tremendous effort is spent to make Moving Weather the most user-friendly system on the market, making the daily work of operators and other users as comfortable and ergonomic as possible. It is easy to get absorbed by the simplicity of the routine tasks carried out using standard mouse-and-keyboard operations.

Extensible & Open

New principles, technologies, and rules emerge almost every day. Moving Weather system keeps the pace thanks to its open and easily extensible architecture designed and developed using modern object-oriented technologies.

Solution Examples

Standalone PC

Are you tight on the budget but still in need of switching system? Moving Weather is prepared to run on as little as a standalone PC, even in an unattended mode. Once you decide that you need something more, you can upgrade to a more powerful server or a server cluster. Do not worry about your data: scalability means they will go with you.

HA Cluster

Your data is one of the most valuable assets of your meteorological infrastructure. Moving Weather offers you two ways of asserting their integrity: fault-tolerance and high-availability. You can safely rely on the fault-tolerant hardware with duplicated hot-plug components. And for yet more safety, a tandem of two HA servers will never let you down.

Integration and Scalability

There is no such thing today as an isolated system. Moving Weather is not an exception and it has to be integrated into your communication and processing infrastructure. Well, more than that: this is the heart and soul of your meteorological network.

Technical Specifications

Category Description
Operating system • Microsoft® Windows® Server
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux
• CentOS
• other Linux distributions
Compliance • WMO Manual No. 386 (Manual on GTS, incl. Attachment II)
• WMO Manual No. 306 (Manual on Codes)
• WMO Manual No. 485 (Manual on GDPS)
• ICAO Annex 3 (incl. Amendment 78)
Throughput > 500 messages per second
Operation • up to 64000 communication channels
• automatic correction of common errors
• all types of messages (incl. satellite images and radar)
• format validation of common report types (SYNOP, METAR, TAF, …)
• varying storage time depending on message types
• output independent of input
Connection types • FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS
• WMO TCP, e-mail, public phone, public fax
• asynchronous lines, X.25, telex
• Secure SADIS FTP
Main functions • store & forward principle
• automatic compilation of messages
• automatic conversion to/from BUFR/CREX
• viewing and editing of messages and reports
• real-time monitoring for reports as well as for messages
• distribution of non-WMO data (files)
• online configuration of the system
• online configuration of the channels
• enhanced statistics
Gateways AMHS/AFTN gateway:
• automatic distribution of WMO messages to the AMHS/AFTN network
• automatic distribution of AMHS/AFTN enveloped WMO messages to the GTS